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Terms of Use

Notice: This Agreement on the Terms of Use, which includes, inter alia, the terms and conditions and the privacy policy of this website, constitutes a contract between Passa Aqui and those who use the platform, so it must be read carefully . The use of the services provided by this web site implies the acceptance of its Terms of Use, including its privacy policy, so that, in case of disagreement with some of its provisions, the use of the service is not allowed.


1. Definitions and General Conditions

2. Privacy Policy

3. Warranties

4. Rights and Obligations

5. Responsibility

6. Conflicts

7. Penalties

8. Payments

9. Transitional and Final Provisions

1. Definitions and General Conditions

a) Definitions

"PASSA HERE" - website of the registered trademark "PASSA HERE", owned by PASSA Aqui, legal person number 156872340, under this number registered at the Fundão Commercial Registry Office, with its headquarters in Fundão

"Colobreaders" - those who use the cleaning website pass here with a view to providing certain services registered for the purpose.

"Final Customer Information" - any information provided by the Final Customer, either during the phase of the respective registration and registration on the website, or in relation to the description of their orders, the evaluation made by professional service providers or other resulting from the use of the website.

"Privacy Policy" - description of the types of information collected from Users or End Customers and the Service Provider and the form of the respective treatment.

"Order" - description made by the Client of the service he wishes to see provided by a professional registered on the website, using a form specifically designed for this purpose.

"System" - data computing, storage and transmission equipment, software and applications, command sequences and automatic data analysis and treatment processes used by Limpezas Passa Aqui.

"Terms and Conditions" - these are the rules to which cleaning is carried out by Users, End Customers and Service Providers, contained in this Terms of Use Agreement and the terms of the Privacy Policy.

"Coloboradoresl" - natural or legal persons, service providers, registered on the website Limpezas Passa Aqui, who intend, in this way, to receive requests from potential final Customers interested in contracting those services.

"User" - any natural or legal person who accesses the website until the moment when he acquires the status of End Customer or Service Provider.

"Website" (passes here) - website and respective domain, hosting space, page or set of pages on the internet, its contents, graphics of other information contained therein, whose content is managed by Limpezas Passa Aqui.

b) General Conditions

1.1 The limpezas website goes here is an online platform where Collaborators and Final customers register their requests and interest in the provision of a certain service, and where Professional service providers sign up in order to have access to the requests presented.

1.2 The requests submitted by the Final Clients are disclosed to registered Professionals whose activity is compatible with them, so that, if they so wish, they can present, directly to the Final Clients, proposals for the requested services and respective proposals.

1.3 It is the responsibility of the Final Customer to evaluate the proposals and services presented by the Professionals, the selection of the Professional being their entire and exclusive responsibility.

1.4 Passa Aqui is limited, in its intervention, to collect the requests from Final Customers and the inscriptions of Professional service providers, disclosing those to them, in order to allow the process of choosing the Final Customer.

1.5 The Final Client may even choose not to select any of the Professionals who contact him for the presentation of the respective proposals, recognizing that Passa Aqui is a third party in the contractually established relationship between Final Client and Professional. Thus, the pass here does not guarantee the performance of the provision by the Professional or any transaction that may be agreed between them.

1.6 The information regarding orders and Professionals on the website is provided, respectively, by Final and Professional Clients.

1.7 Passes here does not select specific professionals; the purchase of the request for proposal is limited to the first 5 professionals who, on their own initiative, understand how to perform the services.

1.8 Final and Professional Clients undertake to include on the website only true and correct information, as well as and whenever necessary, depending on the service to be provided, supporting documents for the exercise of the respective activity.

1.9 Passa Aqui is not responsible for the information referred to in the previous number, and the Final Client, prior to the selection of the Professional, must evaluate and prove their veracity, correctness and integrity.

1.10 The presentation, by the Professional to the Final Client, of fraudulent proposals or false or incorrect documents, in no case can be attributed to Passa Aqui, the Final Client being responsible for the selection of the Professionals and for the confirmation of the information provided by them.

2. Privacy Policy

2.1 The Privacy Policy is described in detail here.

3. Warranties

3.1 Passa Aqui guarantees the continuous and correct functioning of your website, except in situations where, for reasons beyond your control, such compliance cannot be demanded of you.

3.2 Without prejudice to the previous provisions

Passa Aqui reserves the right, as the owner of the website, to suspend or stop its operation whenever it understands that justified reasons (related either to third parties or to its business model) justify it, which, in all cases, case, it will be communicated to its users as soon as possible.

3.3 Final and Professional Clients are obliged, in the inclusion of information, to take into account compliance with the legislation in force, namely regarding competition, protection of consumer rights, misleading advertising and discrimination, and information of an obscene or discriminatory nature is also prohibited. with indecorous content, against the good customs or pornography, as well as references and references to other sites, of whatever nature, are also prohibited.

3.4 Final and Professional Clients undertake to ensure that none of the information made available for cleaning passes here contains computer viruses, macro viruses, trojans, worms or anything that causes interference or could interrupt or in any way disrupt the operational procedures of a computer.

3.5 Final and Professional Clients are also prevented from accessing the system without express authorization, as well as from interleaving or clandestinely interconnecting data or information of any nature, namely of a personal nature.

3.6 Passa Here you are not responsible for any error, omission, inaccuracy or false information transmitted by Final and Professional Clients.

3.7 Passes Here reserves the right not to use, in any way, any information that violates this Terms of Use Agreement.

4. Rights and Obligations

4.1 Adherence as an End Customer or Professional to the Terms of Use Agreement constitutes the signing of a contract between them and cleaning takes place resulting in rights and obligations for each of the parties, namely:

4.1.1 The End Customer is entitled to use the Website, under the terms and conditions set out in this Terms of Use Agreement, with respect for the corresponding privacy policy.

4.1.2 Passa Here you have the obligation to collect the Final Clients' requests and other information related to them and to communicate them to the registered Professionals who provide corresponding services with those desired by the Final Clients.

4.1.3 The access of Professionals to Final Clients' orders depends on the prior registration in plantaforma, here it receives receipt of orders in accordance with chapter 8.

4.1.4 Final Customers are obliged not to submit orders not admitted by law or by the terms of this Terms of Use Agreement.

4.1.5 Final Customers are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of any information provided.

4.1.6 Final and Professional Clients undertake not to copy, reproduce, modify or in any way use any content on the website, as well as not to use works and requests that they have been aware of in this way for purposes other than the negotiated contract and / or concluded through the contacts provided by the website. In addition, Final and Professional Clients undertake not to send to third parties or otherwise disclose orders on the website, distribute or publicly display any content on the website without the prior and express authorization of Passa Aqui.

4.1.7 Final and Professional Clients are obliged not to use the limpezas website passes here, its contents or services for a purpose other than that for which it is intended, namely for illicit, illegal or in any way capable of colliding purposes with the rights of others legally protected.

4.1.8 Professionals are obliged to provide services and perform work in accordance with the best practices of the respective professional activities and to respect the codes of ethics and technical regulations that surround them.

5. Responsibility

5.1 Passa Aqui is not a party, in any way, in the contractually established relationship between Final Client and Professional, so they recognize that no responsibility can be imputed, namely with regard to the execution of the contract and the fulfillment of the contractual duties of the parties .

5.2 Likewise, Passa Aqui cannot be held liable for any contractual or non-contractual non-performance of any party, as well as for any losses or damages that may result for any of the parties.

6. Conflicts

6.1 Conflicts arising from the relationships established between Final and Professional Clients must be reported to Limpezas Passa Aqui.

6.2 The information collected as a result of the previous number is intended to allow the pass here

the improvement and updating of the information related to those registered on its website.

7. Penalties

7.1 Passes Here you have the right to clarify and investigate, on your own initiative and whenever deemed necessary, the complaints you are aware of in order to assess and decide on the permanence of Final and Professional Clients on your website.

7.2 The use of the website may be suspended for a certain period whenever it is shown that any of the obligations of Final Customers and / or Professionals resulting from this Terms of Use agreement have been violated, in which case the possibility of using the credits of the Professionals involved remains also suspended during the same period. The possibility of using the available credits is suspended until there is confirmation that the issue is resolved, by both parties - Professional and Final Customer. In case there is no resolution of the problem.

7.3 Final and Professional Clients can be definitively prevented from using the website whenever the violation of this Terms of Use Agreement proves to have been sufficiently serious, either due to the behavior, either due to the means used or the damage caused.

7.4 Passes Here reserves the right to suspend or terminate the service provided by the use of its website to an End Customer or Professional whenever there is a suspicion that it is violating or intends to violate the provisions of this Terms of Use Agreement or legislation applicable.

8. Payments

8.1 For the use of the website as a Professional, Fixando does not charge any cost for the use of the platform without the consent or disposition of the Professionals.

8.2 The use of the website and platform by End Customers is free.

8.3 The Professional may be reimbursed for the monthly amount. The refund of the total amount if there was no customer offer in that month.

9. Transitional and Final Provisions

9.1 If any or some of the clauses and provisions of this Terms of Use Agreement are deemed to be invalid, the same (s) will not be used but such invalidity does not call into question the validity and application of the rest.

9.2 The implicit or explicit violation of a Final or Professional Client of any provision of this Agreement, determines the cessation, with immediate effects, of access to the website.

9.3 This Terms of Use Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the pass here and Final and Professional Clients, replacing all other previous documents, including communications, exchanges of intentions or other type of agreements regarding the same content.

9.4 Any communication made within the scope or for the purpose of the execution or fulfillment of this Agreement can be made via e-mail or simple mail to the contacts contained in the website and information collected from the users.

9.5 Any changes to this Terms of Use Agreement need to be written and brought to the attention of the counterparty, assuming acceptance of the same if, after becoming aware of them, the use of the web-site continues.

9.6 No provision contained in this Agreement constitutes or is likely to be confused with the constitution of any partnership relationship, joint ventures, mandate, commission or other than that which emerges from the contractual bond established by the adhesion to this agreement.

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